Sunday, August 21, 2011

Project 64: Green Yellow 08.18.11

Another shot from Chasing the Light shoot in my backyard. This is actually what I was shooting right before turning around and spotting the deer. I was looking for the color green yellow for this week at Project 64. 

I found this leaf in between all of the green leaves on a large plant. I think it is more yellow than I would have liked, but with the other green leaves I feel it works. My goal was to frame the shot so that it showed how I found the leaf - peeking through what was around it. I did this by having the depth of field be small, which is why I used a lower aperture. This is pretty much a straight out of camera shot with just lens correction done in Lightroom. There is something simple to this capture that I really like. 

Settings: ISO 100, ss 1/10, f/4.5
"The secret of living in peace with all people lies in the art of understanding each one by his own individuality." - Friedrich Ludwig Jahn

Linking up with with Project 64 for this week's color: Green Yellow. Head on over and check out other green yellow finds!

project64 button


  1. Most of the time, the simplest shots are the most beautiful. This one is lovely.

  2. I agree with Lisa. It is a lovely shot! I love your focus and the contrast in colors!


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