Last night I set out to photograph the sunset at a local park. Upon arriving at the park it became clear that the setting was not going to yield what I wanted. Jumping back in the car with the sun slipping further below the horizon, we raced to find the perfect spot. The sunset was stunning and I was able to create some beautiful shots, but that was after one stop on the side of a country road. While I plan to post sunset pictures later in the week, the photo below is from the stop before the sunset. My goal was simply to capture a moment in time. The shot is straight out of camera with a minor crop. I planned to edit it more but everything I did just seemed to pull focus to the details and distract from the picture as a whole. I would love to know your thoughts, so please share!
Settings: ISO 100, ss 1/5, f/20 (on a tripod, full manual)
“Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph." – Matt Hardy
Lovely country shot, gorgeous without editing!